понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

drink health noni

But first probably my final word on the Baseball season

The executives at FOX are tearing what is left of their hair (or hair plugs) since the world series consists of two teams with loyal local followings but neither is a "national" team. If you consider what they paid to show the World Series, you know they were praying for the BoSox vs. The Dodgers for many reasons. It might be a good match up with some interesting stories attached, like the Rays going from worst to first, but most of the baseball world really doesnapos;t care at this point.

Onto Football

The Jets had a chance. They brought it back to cause an OT but couldnapos;t complete it. To my mind, both teams deserved to lose. It was sloppy football. Turnovers killed the Jets and penalties killed the Raiders. The Jets have got to get that problem under control. In all three games they have lost, it has come down to turnovers. I do think couple of those penalty calls were sketchy at best but both teams got hit with those. At least they are 3-3 at this point.

The Giants lived up to their name. They got it done and in rather good form. Again turnovers played a big roll in the game. They have a few more teams that they must win against in their schedule but they arenapos;t doing too bad.

The Bears and the Vikings were running all over each other. The Vikings almost made it back to tie it but just ran out of time. Colts and Packers was another interesting game. Again it came down to some very bad turnovers on the Colts part. The Packers were playing much more like the Packers of old. I am expecting to see cheeseheads into the playoffs. The Dolphins have got to change their defense. It just isnapos;t working for this team.

Overall not as exciting as last week but some solid games.

In college ball, I think OSU should be higher in the standings. They have taken on tougher teams than the top five who have been, with some exceptions, chewing through easy teams. I also think Georgia Tech is being given a raw deal as well. I do see Texas as number one at this time.

I am grateful for fall weather which feels like fall weather not winter weather.
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

dns tools windows

sitting inside of my room listening to all the noises around me. I notice that i see a dark figure standing in my door way i give that figure permission to speak to me and it says in a very dark erie voice "watch out" and i am trying to maintain my composure and trying not to freak out and then i listen in even closer and i hear a bone chilling screech coming from my kitchen and i run down the stairs to find a even bigger figure and that figure is telling me not to trust anyone that keeps me angry. And i question this figure asking "why are you helping me?" and then the dark figure in my kitchen invades my mind and body and tells me to close my eyes. And it shows me that if i keep trusting everybody that makes me and keeps me angry that i will end up going insane and end up in a physic and mental ward where i will spend the rest of my life. Then out of the blue i see a extremely bright flash of white and red light and i find myself laying back in my room sleeping. I wake up and start asking myself was that real or was that someone trying to scare me.

asume cars, dns tools windows.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

fixture halide metal


I want to sit around and drink coffee all of break
and okay,
I want to read about Stanley and Blanche, and Othello and Desdemona.

I realized very recently that Iapos;m really happy, in spite of being really unhappy.
Iapos;m feeling really good about the work and research Iapos;m doing, and I actually enjoy being an English major.

Except for other situational things, Iapos;m mostly very happy.

Gangster rap helps.
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crayon crawler

�In life. I have one month left of school. And then what? Iapos;m free. But what do I do next? Move to the city? Have better opportunities? Better my skills at my current job for a few months and then move away? Jump head first into something new or build up some better knowledge first? Live in a place I hate or move to a place of possibilities. Do I leave behind everything I know or stay in my comfort zone. I�canapos;t wait to be free. Independent. Away. But when can I afford the time, money and effort to do this? How long will it take me to realise my dream?

crayon crawler, crayon crafts, crayon costumes, crayon costume.

astronomical calendars

So i was called in early to work (today) last night. Bah. Usually im in at 8 on saturday but the normal opener called in sick. So off i go to work... Today i need to work on my sales presentation... Its still not really in a teachable state yet and i want to make sure all my shit is together before i embarrass myself. God damn im tired. I wish i could have stayed up last night. We were having a lovely time. Caitlin, leah, ashley, nate, mike i were all hanging out conversating (and well, i might add) and drinking lightly... It was a good time until i was reminded of the dreaded 4:40 alarm that was going to be waking me up in 5 and a half hours... But at least ill get off at 3... Or maybe ill do overtime... Hmmm.. Ive got to go.
astronomical calendars, astronomical california in observatories sun, astronomical camera, astronomical cameras.

friars of renewal

Figured it was time for one...

If you look at the Tags column, you might or might not notice that Iapos;ve put in a whole bunch of new tags, including those for ratings, fan art and posters. If you dont see any new tags, its probably because they havent been used yet.

To earn yourself a apos;posterapos; tag, you need to have posted at least about 20 entries in the community to qualify. Now obviously I havent gone through and counted every single entry for each person, so if you qualify and your nameapos;s not on the list yet, then leave a comment here to notify me and Iapos;ll add you.

re: the apos;prowlapos; and apos;jazzapos; tags, I think I should mention are mainly for fics that feature one or the other of the two, or those that are not necessarily slashy. We have the apos;prowlxjazzapos; tag for the slashy stuff.

So Iapos;d really appreciate it if all members could please go through entries and start tagging their entries appropriately with the new tags and such, and start using the tags in future entries. Dont worry if you cant see the tags on the main page, just click "edit tags" on your individual entries and theyapos;ll be there on the list.

Also, if you feel there should be other tags added to the list, again leave a comment here and Iapos;ll see about adding it to the list

chinken poxs, friars of renewal, friars minor conventual, friars minor, friars lane.

down locked

Is it too good to be true? Can it really be? Am I actually getting *gasp*.....better? As I sit here right now, aside from being just exhausted, I almost, *almost* donapos;t feel like Iapos;ve had a cold.

My sinuses are still congested, but I can finally pop my ears and hear things better. Still have that horrible rattle and roll in my chest when I�breathe in deep and the Mucinex guys are extremely reluctant to come out, but I can forcefully dislodge them. I have pain in my back and chest, but I wonder if thatapos;s from the difficult, hard-pressed coughs to get this shit out of my chest.

The neti pot came yesterday. O.M.F.G. Do I LOVE�that thing Using it feels fucking fantastic.

I still have to irrigate my sinuses before I go to sleep...Thereapos;s pressure up there. Iapos;m just waiting for The Night Watchman, who now has this cold too, to hopefully go to bed soon so I can irrigate in peace.

Iapos;m exhausted, I�just want to sleep for a week, but I donapos;t feel like going to bed just yet.

esure travel insurance, down locked, down locked tied up, down locker room town, down lode.

antique figurine hummel

  1. My book is going very well.��I was stuck on the ending till I read a book about the seven basic plots, and it helped me find the perfect natrual ending for my book.� This is good becuse Iapos;ve been panicking about the ending for 8 years now.
  2. My parents are coming this weekend and they are brining my brother.� Iapos;m not sure how to feel about this...
  3. School is going as well as it can.
  4. At work I am trying to get the students to specalize to increase their efficency.� I am trying to squese efficency out of a very ineficent type of workforce (studnet workers).� Structure is the key.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

brett meisner

Hmm...i wonder if I could get away with sneaking out of here for 30 minutes to run home and grab my cell phone? LOL I didnapos;t do it the last time because as soon as I thought about it, things got all crazy around here. I donapos;t have any meetings on my calendar today except "Friday Lunch," which I think Iapos;m going to skip if theyapos;re not going anywhere good. I just want to be able to catch if Nito calls - heapos;s on his way to Japan today. I wish my job would send me somewhere worth talking about. Unfortunately, I think any idea of me traveling up north for the planning meetings has been canned. Suckage :-(

Iapos;m jazzed about this weekend; Iapos;ve got plenty planned without feeling like Iapos;m running all over town. No evening/night plans though for Saturday or Sunday; Iapos;m kinda hoping something evolves out of the daytime plans. Or that Iapos;ll just too tired to care. Weapos;ll see.

Glad the weekend is almost here,
brett meisner, brett mcqueen, brett mclaughlin myspace.com site, brett mclaughlin.